ROBINS – Friendship Cookies

What is a friend?  Our class has had many discussions about friendship and what it means.  The children had many thoughts:  sharing toys, reading together, hugs, and smiles.  We decided to celebrate our friendships with COOKIES . . . everyone was excited to help make them and of course, to eat them.

So, here’s how to make Friendship Cookies
 1/3 cup of honey
1 tablespoon of oil
2 eggs
add 1 table spoon of grated orange rind
1/2 teaspoon on salt
1 and a half cups of oatmeal
Mix all the ingredients together.
Stir well.
Drop spoonfuls on an oiled cookie sheet.
        Bake at 200 degrees for 8-10 minutes. 
Are they done yet?

 The Friendship cookies were delicious and healthy too!  In the true spirit of friendship, the Robins’ shared the cookies with the Chickadees and Bluebirds classes.  Everyone at KIDSPACE enjoyed Friendship Cookies.

Miss Julie and Miss Crystal

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