September School Days

What is it about slipping on a brand new pair of shoes or a fancy new dress?  Now compare that feeling to putting on your favorite pair of jeans or tennie-runners?  The first day of school is a mix of both as we integrate the excitement of the new with the comforts of the old.  This year is a perfect balance.  To those of you who are new to KIDSPACE . . . welcome!  To those of you who are our long-time cherished families . . . thank you for sharing another year with us.  


In an effort to keep communication home a top priority, we will be blogging this year to keep you up to date with classroom happenings, goals, objectives, and learning activities through photos and stories.  Using the blog to share with you will keep printing and lobor costs to a minimum and will also cut down on non-essential paper.  Any time sensitive information will be sent home via a note in the sign in books. 

If you do NOT want your child’s photo on the blog, please let us know in writing.  We will not be labeling photos with names. 

September has been a busy month with meeting friends and learning the routines and rules of school.  However, a newly implemented, center wide, picture schedule has helped the children to quickly learn the routine of their school day.

Two timeless pieces of literature are being presented during September.  The first, which we are just finishing up this week, is “The Lady with the Alligator Purse.”  The second, which we’re introducing next week is “Brown Bear, Brown Bear.”  Both of these strong pieces of literature have an element of reptition and rhyme and present fun elements for dramatic play and incorporate many concepts for learning. 

The learning objectives for math and science this month:  colors, sorting and classifying by size, and one to one correspondence.

Gross motor learning in the gym began with simple activities to encourage children to sharpen their skills of following verbal directions.  The children are also learning the importance of warm-up before exercise and activity.  Gross motor skills for the month:   jumping, hopping and leaping. 

Listed below are the words to two rhymes the children are learning.  If they haven’t already, the children will be bringing home a small book with the words to Alligator Pie.  And later in the month, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear.  Encourage your children to read the books to you often!!! 


Alligator, alligator, alligator pie.

If I don’t get some I think I going to cry.

You can take away the green grass

Take away the sky

But, don’t take away my alligator pie!


Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.

Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground.

Teddy bear, teddy bear show your shoe.

Teddy bear, teddy bear that will do.





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