Chickadees-Turning Popsicle Sticks into Letters and Shapes

The Chickadees worked on making and identifying triangles and other letters that could be made with two or three popsicle sticks.  For some it was a bit tricky, but mostly I heard exclamations of “Look, I did it!” as I showed them how to make each letter, including T, X, L, A, and H.

I did it!


Letter A.














Making sure its just right.


Putting on that last leg.

This is another fun activity you can do at home with your child.  Just find some “sticks”–straws, wood sticks, popsicle sticks, anything straight will work well and work together to form letters and shapes.  You can also write the letter on a piece of paper and have your child cover it with the sticks. Have Fun!

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