Creating and Caring

Last spring, Miss Diane’s class experienced many styles and processes of art and through it all came up with the idea that others might enjoy their masterpieces as much as they did.  And so . . .  

the idea of an art sale was born.  If they did have an art sale, and people purchased their art what would they do with the money?  It was decided, after many lengthy conversations, to have a pizza party and give the rest to a homeless shelter.

The art sale was held last spring and was wildly popular with KIDSPACE clientele.  The photo below is just a small sampling of some of the handmade, original art pieces purchased.


Just recently, Amy Reynolds, from the Share House in Vancouver met with the school-age students to receive the check for $100 and talk to the children and answer their questions about the shelter and people who need their assistance.  Below are some of the insights Amy shared with the children.

  • The money the children raised will provide shelter for a single mother and her two kids for a week-end.
  • The Share House has an operating budget of $3,000,000.  One-third of their annual income, $1,000,000, comes from people just like these KIDSPACE children who gave the money they earned from the art sale.
  • Most of the children at the shelter are the same age as the school-agers at KIDSPACE.
  • The children at the shelter enjoy life there as it has a common living room and there are always children to play with.
  • Some homeless children don’t live in a shelter.  They sleep outside, kind of like camping, but perhaps without a tent.
  • Shelters always need volunteers, especially those who enjoy and can teach art, music, math and science. 

The children, are already at work on new pieces of art for their next sale this spring.  Once again, the children would like to make a donation to those in need.  Congratulations students!  We are very proud of you and look forward to the Spring Art Sale.

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