Dress up, Ghosts and Gak

The children are getting in the Halloween spirit.  Dressing up in costumes has been great fun in the Robins’.  Despite the great variety of characters:  mice,�� princesses,  witches, unicorns, cowboys and many many others they all great along nicely and the stories they weave is fun to observe.


                                 Children are working on cutting skills with twirly tailed ghosts. 



        GAK  provides many opportunities for sensory and scientific discoveries.  The children are using Halloween cookie cutters to cut the gak.  However, the children soon realized gak looses it’s shape very quickly and the children watched as their cookies, right before their eyes, changed into puddles.  Hmmm, why does that happen with gak and not with playdough?



                                                          Thanks for all the fun.  Miss Julie

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