How fun to be able to use a hammer! Bluebirds drove little spikes into pumpkins with the aid of safety goggles. This is a great way to learn hand dexterity for fine motor skills and balance. …
How fun to be able to use a hammer! Bluebirds drove little spikes into pumpkins with the aid of safety goggles. This is a great way to learn hand dexterity for fine motor skills and balance. …
Bluebirds walk to gymnastics with our “friendship rope”. Children group together by twos and not only share conversation, but companionship as well, as we walk down the trail to Naydenov Gymnastics. …
After much waiting and practicing, the Bluebirds made it to Bizi’s Pumpkin Patch on a misty fall day. We boarded a school bus and took a 20 minute drive to the pumpkin patch. We started off with a hay maze and then visited the friendly animals at the petting area…. Bluebirds washed their hands, climbed …
For the last few weeks, the Robins have been counting down the days until our field trip to BiZi Farms. All the excitement led our class to start a long term investigation of pumpkins and our day at the pumpkin patch was the perfect opportunity for the Robins to see some of the things …
Greetings and thank you for checking out our KIDSPACE blog! We really feel that this blog grants us a unique opportunity to share with you the abundant and joyful learning that is going on each day in the Robins’ class. How Do Young Children Learn To Write? Like most of a young child’s …
“A” is for apple. . . ….three different colors. We charted our favorite apple variety. What was the favorite apple color? All three colors! As we did our charting, we practiced sorting and counting skills. …
There’s a lot of “bucket filling” in the Robins class at KIDSPACE Child Enrichment Center. What is “bucket filling” you ask? Bucket filling runs on the pretense that everyone has an invisible bucket. We feel good when our bucket is full and not so good when our bucket is empty. There have been a …
Well over thirty years ago when I was in college taking my teacher ed art classes the “new” mantra was “it’s the PROCESS not the PRODUCT.” It was a big deal then and thankfully, it still is today. What does it mean to children? When we, as early childhood professionals, live by the rule that …
The Bluebirds have had their first full week of preschool. They made a fantastic transition into their new learning environment here at Kidspace. We have been learning about and practicing listening skills. We use our ears to listen, our eyes to look at the person talking, our legs are criss-crossed applesauce, our hands are in …
At Kidspace Child Enrichment Center, we believe that children are strong, capable, and active learners by nature. Our purpose is to provide a “rigorous preschool” curriculum, a playful environment that encourages focused and engaged learning. Rigorous learning = active play “If you walk into a high-quality early education classroom, what you see is children playing,” …
Gardening with children is pure magic. In the eyes of a child a garden and its bounty is magic. As adults, we are still amazed at what can be grown from a teeny tiny seed, but the real the magic for us is the observation of the children as they plant, explore, observe, learn about, …
This has been a truly amazing summer and it is so hard to believe that the first day of school is just around the corner. The Manta Rays finished their summer with dragons, royalty, castles, and fairies. Take a look! Dragons! Pete the Dragon was a hit! He made the Manta Rays laugh …
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