ROBINS – December 3rd – 7th

 Here are some of the highlights from this week in the Robins class….Take a look!

Our letter of the week was “G”! We practiced writing the letter on magnetic writing pads…
We also practiced writing the letter G in trays filled with different materials (lavender scented salt, corn starch, flour)
We learned that the word, “Go!”, started with “G” and then we traced the letter with toy cars dipped in paint! Too much fun!
This week we talked about the concepts small, medium, and large and we worked a lot on ordering things by size. Here the Robins sorted shapes by size…
Later in the week, the Robins took turns pulling pieces out of our touchy feely box and sorted them into ABC soup cans. The Robins really know their letters A-G!
Tis’ the Season to be Jolly!
The Robins class is already filled with tons of holiday fun. We started making gifts this week…
We also added holiday themed tools into our sensory materials.
Here the Robins made holiday cookies with floam…
two friends worked together to put a Christmas tree puzzle together…
Our dramatic play area is filled with trees, ornaments, Santa hats, reindeer antlers & more. The Robins had a blast exploring these new items at the beginning of the week.
Thank you so much for reading! Until next week.
Miss Crystal & Miss Julie

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