Gardening with children is pure magic.
In the eyes of a child a garden and its bounty is magic. As adults, we are still amazed at what can be grown from a teeny tiny seed, but the real the magic for us is the observation of the children as they plant, explore, observe, learn about, care for, wonder at, delight in and harvest the bounty of the garden.

Our gardening experience at Kidspace began with a few simple questions. Can we make a seed sprout and what is a sprout? Out came the baggies, bean seeds and damp paper towels. The children soon observed the sprout, but what are the tiny little sprouts? Roots! What are roots for? And so the lesson went. But, where do you plant seeds when you have no garden? The answer is simple… In whatever you can find. For us, we were fortunate to find some large boxes. We placed them on our school patio and the children filled them with soil.
In the garden boxes the students from every class planted a variety of seeds. They planted cherry tomatoes, a couple crops of lettuce, peas, beans, multiple varieties of flowers, carrots and pumpkins. The harvest has been bountiful.
The pumpkins though are creating the most excitement. We have watched them turn from flowers to green pumpkins. They’ve grown and now they’re turning orange. The children continue to squeal with delight every time they pass by the pumpkins on their way to the playground. Actually, even the adults pause to enjoy the pumpkins.
Before we know it we’ll be harvesting the pumpkins, the frosts will come, and our beautiful garden will die. That of course, will not go unnoticed. There is learning in death too, for it too has its place in the cycle of life.
One thing’s for sure, we’ll be saving a couple of the seeds…. because it all began with a question about a sprout. Come next spring, the life cycle and the learning cycle will begin again . . . and so will the magic!